August Community Spotlight - Shawnna Lee

Meet Shawnna, our August community spotlight!
Shawnna is a self-proclaimed “heavy metal hippie.” Although she’s only been seriously crocheting for under a year, she enjoys a challenge. She has created some beautiful pieces and has also done quite a bit of pattern testing.
It’s no surprise that Shawnna has creativity in her blood. If she is not designing, she’s doing something crafty! As an artist and freelance graphic designer, she finds crocheting has come naturally to her. She also feels that her graphic design experience has helped her with choosing her color combinations.
So, how did Shawnna become interested in crochet? Her mother taught her to crochet (one stitch, double crochet…and only in the back loops!) She dabbled in it while pregnant with her first daughter, a baby blanket being her first project.
After the baby was born, back in 2004, she put her crochet hook down.
A year ago, a group of friends suggested the idea of working on a temperature blanket, and Shawnna picked her crochet hook back up: she was up for the challenge and since that time has been--in her words--hooked! (Pun quite possibly intended.)
Once she discovered that there was a whole world of stitches beyond just the half double crochet (in the back loops), there was no stopping her!
She most enjoys making clothing and hats. Her 12-year-old loves the clothes that Shawnna has made her, many of which are from patterns that Shawnna has tested for Kayla.
She has struggled with a few of the more challenging patterns, but has found great satisfaction in always figuring them out in the end!
So, what is next on the horizon for this tree hugging, hard rock loving, challenge seeking, creative designer? Her five-year-old daughter has asked her to crochet a ghost costume!
We can't wait to see what she comes up with!
Please wish Shawna good luck on her next project, or ask her questions, in the comments below.
Want to lend your support to a talented crocheter? Head over to her business page, to see some of her graphic design work, and then check her out on Ravelry.
Thank you, Shawnna, for sharing your story with us. Enjoy your moment in the spotlight