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crochet, coffee and Kayla
Welcome fellow fiber lovers. I'm Kayla with KMT Creations.
How do I put this obsession into words? This yarn and hook addiction of mine?
I'd like to think that my work speaks for itself. You'll have to let me know.
I've been crocheting my life away for the better part of 13 years and I don't want a single second back. Yarn is therapy. I have found escape and a sense of calmness in this "hobby".
I'm a mom.
She will always be my number ONE!
but when being a mom gets to be too much, I reach for that escape.
I owe my sanity to this.
Also, if you see me in public; hook in hand and I look angry at the world. Chances are, I'm just counting. Come say hi.
Take a look around. Please enjoy!
Love always,
That crazy crochet lady,

Meet Kayla

Loves Hooks and Yarn,
A Challenge, Dancing with my two year old, A Good cup of coffee, All Things Homemade with love

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